Johannes Mikkonen

Johannes Mikkonen works as an expert Regenerative Infrastructure team, focusing on digital governance.


Johannes leads Demos Helsinki’s project portfolio of digital transformation, including collaboration with governmental institutions, universities and private companies to co-create, experiment and create visions and practices for grasping the opportunities and mitigating the risks of emerging technology.


Johannes has extensive experience in researching and working with the impact of digitalisation in government, society and business. He has led and been a key contributor to strategic digital transformation processes in public administration and has been in charge of strategic stakeholder interaction and collaboration in several publicly funded large-scale research projects and has worked with a wide range of different public organisations, research institutions and companies such as the Ministry of Employment and Economic Affairs of Finland, VTT Technical Research Centre and Nokia.


Johannes holds a Master’s degree in Political Science. Before joining Demos worked in the European Parliament Information Office in Helsinki and in the Embassy of Finland, Kathmandu.


In his free time, Johannes likes to cycle and is an aspiring gardener.