What are the possibilities in using digitalization and Internet of Things to improve human capabilities and create a more resource smart world?
In the hyperconnected society there are more and more connections between people and things. This allows for new ways for people to participate and be capable – and to increase their wellbeing – within the limits of the planet. The Naked Approach is a significant strategic research project that investigates means to create an alternative, human-driven approach to operate in the digitalizing society. Design, technology and business solutions are innovated from human perspective and taking the Nordic values into account. The vision of hyperconnected society requires new products, services and business models. The Naked approach -research group develops those together with partner companies in the project Towards Digital Paradise.
Demos Helsinki collaborates in Naked Approach with VTT, Aalto University, Tampere University of Technology, University of Oulu, and University of Lapland. The project is funded by Tekes and Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation.
During the project Demos Helsinki has researched how sensor technologies change the society and business. We have conducted the coherent, long-term vision to guide technological development. The vision is described in two scenarios of hyperconnected Nordic society, in which the biggest societal problems have been solved within new technologies and practises. The vision is discussed with wide range of national and international stakeholders and updated vision will be published in the beginning of 2018.
In addition, Demos Helsinki has recognised the most significant value creation models of hyperconnected world, success factors of creating entrepreneurial ecosystem for Finland and achieved to create network of forerunners companies. In the network, companies get competitive advantage by contextualising their value creation models into future scenarios and changing fresh thoughts and learnings about hyperconnectivity, new business models and competitors.
Demos Helsinki has published the briefing paper that describes the success factors of digital entrepreneurial ecosystem and the personalised report for companies’ value creation models. You can read more about The Naked Approach on the project website.