Aleksi Neuvonen
Aleksi Neuvonen is a recognised expert and thinker on understanding the change (and unchange) of societies and organisations. Aleksi holds PhD honors from Tampere University and Radboud University Nijmegen.
During his career, Aleksi has published over 30 reports, books or academic articles, focusing primarily on methods and tools for transformative change. Currently, he leads a work package in “SISU – Sufficiency solutions for a resilient, green, and just Finland”, a large multi-actor research project funded by the Strategic Research Council (SRC). Previously, Aleksi has also built a societal vision on sustainable well-being in the Next Era program together with The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra and created globally renowned scenarios on sustainable lifestyles under SPREAD Sustainable Lifestyles 2050 project.
Aleksi has taught future studies in the University of Helsinki and Aalto University. He started his professional career studying innovation policy at VTT and later worked at Finland Futures Research Centre. Aleksi Neuvonen is a long-standing board member in the CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation and Ruohonjuuri, the ecological retail chain. He is also the founder of urban environmental NGO Dodo and a full member of the World Futures Studies Federation.
Aleksi’s academic research: ORCID
Contact the expert
+358 50 534 4241
Infrastructure: The overlooked tool for societal transformation
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21st-century infrastructure must be regenerative
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Re-focusing on the future: Backcasting carbon neutral cities
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Humble Timber: The results
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Discussing the future of timber construction in Finland
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Five statements for sustainable urban mobility — learnings from Finland
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Towards systemic innovation: how foresight can help organizations transform
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The future does not exist
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9 things that give you hope about climate change
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Skills and education in the sustainability transition
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The future of democracy and welfare in Europe: 4 scenarios for 2040
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Unbounded Government: Opportunities for Developing New Government Practices
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The need for scientific knowledge, education, and critical thinking is growing − 4 theses about the role of universities in Finland in the 2020s
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100 Million New Jobs: New Promise of Freedom for a Successful EU
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Universalism in the Next Era: Moving Beyond Redistribution
February 15, 2019
Vihreän siirtymän osaamis- ja koulutustarpeet
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The Nordic Digital Promise: Four Theses on a Hyperconnected Society
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Nöyrä puu: puurakentamisen peruskirja
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TANDEM: Citizens envisioning a just transition
January 10, 2023
Smart Retro: A novel way of developing cities with digital services
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Smart Retro – Novel Way to Develop Cities
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Smart Retro – Novel Way to Develop Cities
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