
Sustainability & climate action


One planet fits all? Sustainable innovations and urban transformations at #IST2018

Did you know that the atom was split for the first time in Manchester? The IST 2018 Conference reminds us of a long legacy in innovation culture that is to thank (or blame) for a great array of things from the submarine to modern vegetarianism. Even the first programmable computer…

Can Africa leapfrog to low-carbon energy era?

Mobile phones allowed Africans to skip the landline stage of development and jump right to the digital age. Today Kenya is the world leader in mobile payments. Are they now leading the way to low-carbon energy era, too? By definition, leapfrogging means “surpass or overtake another to move into a…

87 solutions to tackle climate change

Creating products and services that help us live comfortably and with zero carbon emissions is not only crucial for our planet, but also a treasure trove of business opportunities. The scarcity of natural resources and climate change are absolute game changers for our future lifestyles. All of this was evident…

3 things Finland can do to become the most sustainable nation in the world

Agenda 2030 – the UN’s new sustainable development programme – was launched at the beginning of 2016. Finland wants to be a leading country in the implementation of this ambitious and vitally important programme. As a consequence, the Finnish government commissioned Demos Helsinki and the Finnish Environment Institute to conduct…

The rise of the carbon-neutral Nordic city

Cities now account for 70% of the world’s CO2 emissions. From Oslo to Copenhagen to Växjö, cities both large and small have realised that where states have failed on an international level, cities can still succeed on a local one. Cities have shown the will to take the lead, and in…

Radical Futures: Energy Does not Matter in the Post-Energy Society

The core vision in the scenario publication “The Future as Told Through the Garden and the Streets” is that technologies for the hyperconnected planet enable a decoupling between increasing well-being and the consumption of natural resources. The basic requirement for that to happen is that the IoT and industrial internet…


Navigating the green transition – a toolkit for developing key skills in organisations

What if green skills were more than technical expertise? The Green Skills Radar helps Finnish organisations integrate transformative mindsets and leadership into sustainability strategies. With tools for skill assessments and practical recommendations, it guides teams to navigate change, fostering adaptability and collaboration for a successful green transition.

The path to strong sustainability: Research agenda for the wood-working industry for 2025–2035

In a world racing towards new carbon-neutral innovations, how can companies in the wood-product industry maintain their competitive edge? This research agenda highlights how the wood industry can seize opportunities in the sustainability transition through innovation and research. By prioritizing long-life products and collaboration across sectors, Finnish companies can lead the way to a path of strong sustainability.

Report: Insights and Proposed Solutions – Summary of the Results from Three Challenge-Based Collaborations in the Sustainable City Program in the Years 2022-2023

A group of motivated cities and municipalities in Finland joined a one-year problem-solving journey to address the numerous interrelated challenges that slow down sustainable city transition. Demos Helsinki coordinated the subgroup, which focused on the “challenge bundle” of urban planning.


Circular Economy Green Deal – a steering instrument for collective action towards circularity

The Circular Economy Green Deal is a novel Finnish steering instrument that catalyses collective action for systemic change towards circularity based on voluntary commitments. Demos Helsinki had the honour of leading the co-creative process that led to the creation of the Circular Economy Green Deal.

MUST: Enabling multispecies transition in urban planning

The ongoing biodiversity crisis demonstrates that we need better ways to live with nature in cities. The MUST project, employing a multispecies transition lens, aims to enhance the understanding and visibility of multispecies needs. This, in turn, will foster improved deliberation and action among stakeholders.

Safeguarding Finland’s future: The interplay of circular economy and comprehensive security

In a world marked by interconnectedness, Finland recognises the importance of comprehensive security in ensuring the wellbeing of its society. As Finland sets its sights on a carbon-neutral circular economy by 2035, it becomes crucial to explore the security implications of this transition. This project aims to shed light on…

