These three research projects are: 1) Reducing polarisation via material participation (MaDem); 2) Coastal waters under pressure – safeguarding a healthy Gulf of Finland in a changing geopolitical and environmental landscape (CoWup); and 3) Safe Water for All (WaterFall).
Tutkimusartikkelilla on vaikuttavuutta vasta, kun joku on lukenut artikkelin, lukijan ymmärrys on lisääntynyt tai, parhaimmillaan, lukija on muuttanut artikkelin perusteella käsitystään tai toimintatapojaan. Tutkimuksella vaikuttamisen päämääränä on siten muutos. Nämä neljä kysymystä auttavat pääsemään siihen. Kun tutkija ryhtyy viestimään ja vaikuttamaan, huomaa hän pian, että kilpailu huomiosta on kovaa….
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Demos Helsinki and nine other front-running organisations in technology across Europe join forces in this project towards making industrial human-robot interaction (HRI) more accessible, cheaper, and easier to adopt. The particular focus of the project is on HRI in healthcare, intralogistics and manufacturing.
Despite being an established indicator of economic growth, GDP is debated to overlook the true essence of citizens’ quality of life and overall wellbeing. This project aims to improve knowledge on indicators beyond GDP, alternative and more sustainable policy options, and scenarios for a sustainable future.
The social contract encounters mounting challenges in contemporary society, leading to friction and distrust among citizens towards democratic institutions. The CO3 project is dedicated to developing and promoting a democratic, inclusive, and open model of social contracts, embodying political and social resilience amongst significant societal challenges, crises, and anti-democratic tendencies.
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