Johannes Klein
Johannes is our experienced climate change adaptation researcher. With a special focus on the governance of adaptation in an urban and regional context, he knows how to find pathways to sustainable and resilient communities through academic research. He is inspired to contribute in just, transformative, and inclusive adaptation action.
Being trained as an environmental engineer (University of Stuttgart) and with a D.Sc. in Land Use Planning and Urban Studies (Aalto University), Johannes feels at home in academic research, interdisciplinary work, and hands-on activities. Before working at Demos Helsinki, he gained experience in research and academia.
Currently at Demos Helsinki, Johannes leads the work package on just transition and social equity in the Regions4Climate project.
Besides academic research, Johannes enjoys playing classical music. He has played double bass or cello in more than eight orchestras!
Johannes’ academic research:
Johannes’ academic publications affiliated with Demos Helsinki:
– Klein, J., Valkama, M., Staudt, M., Schmidt-Thomé, P., & Kallio, H. (2024). ESPON-TITAN: Territorial patterns of natural hazards in Europe. Natural Hazards. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-023-06336-9
– Malmström, A., Klein, J., Käyhkö, J., & Juhola, S. K. (2024). Land Use Planning. In D. J. Fiorino, T. A. Eisenstadt, & M. K. Ahluwalia (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy (pp. 338–342). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781802209204.ch64
– Juhola, S., Laurila, A., Groundstroem, F., & Klein, J. (2024). Climate risks to the renewable energy sector: Assessment and adaptation within energy companies. Business Strategy and the Environment, 33(3), 1906–1919. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.3580
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+358 40 158 9357
Regions4Climate — just transition to climate resilience in European regions
April 6, 2023