


What’s the new recipe for developing urban environment?

“The world that the construction field is serving, is changing radically”, were the opening words by Jussi Aho, the CEO of the construction company Fira. Ways of working, ways of living and the logic of retail are changing. “Digitalisation holds a huge potential for built environment. Construction business must invest in immaterial…

Can smart services accelerate the renewal of Oslo city center?

Last years have marked the emergence of new smart urban services such as car sharing, smart homes, pop-up diners, electric bicycles and many forms of collaborative consumption. Meanwhile, many – even central – neighbourhoods in European towns and cities are facing severe decline. Lack of investments, eroding infrastructure and e-commerce…

The Nordic (urban)model revisited

A big group of Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian directors, researchers and other top professionals from the fields of construction, energy production, real estate and many others are wandering around in Hökarängen, a small Swedish suburb almost 20 kilometres from Stockholm’s T-Centralen. Someone might ask why. The Nordic countries have a…

Retro started turning Smart in Stockholm

Smart Retro, a smart city project by Demos Helsinki and its distinguished partners, was kicked off in a spirit of enthusiastic co-operation. The high ambition of the Smart Retro is to turn the massive potential of the 60’s and 70’s buildings stock into a business model innovation that combines energy retrofitting…

Where lies the value in locality?

Last spring Demos Helsinki worked on a report concerning locality and local value. Our approach was to map out the theory and examples of the relationships between locality and the local media, and by organising a workshop in Tampere. A group of influential regional actors from businesses, municipalities, universities and…

Smart Retro – proof of concept for sustainable services in the built environment

Keväällä 2014 moninainen ryhmä julkisen ja yksityisen sektorin toimijoita käynnisti kunnianhimoisen kolmen kaupungin projektin Lahdessa, Tukholmassa ja Oslossa. Hankkeen tavoitteena on rakentaa puuttuva kytkös kestävän rakennetun ympäristön ja kestävien palveluiden välille. Smart Retro tekee tämän muuttamalla 60- ja 70-lukulaisen rakennuskannan valtavan potentiaalin liiketoiminnaksi, joka yhdistää energiaviisaan korjausrakentamisen ja älykkään palveluntuotannon….


Report: Insights and Proposed Solutions – Summary of the Results from Three Challenge-Based Collaborations in the Sustainable City Program in the Years 2022-2023

A group of motivated cities and municipalities in Finland joined a one-year problem-solving journey to address the numerous interrelated challenges that slow down sustainable city transition. Demos Helsinki coordinated the subgroup, which focused on the “challenge bundle” of urban planning.

Housing First: A new systems perspective to ending homelessness

Achieving an impactful decrease in homelessness — and preventing it from happening in the first place — requires significant structural and operational changes. While Housing First holds great potential to enable systemic change in homelessness, it also risks being interpreted and deployed as a mere housing management tool — a misunderstanding of tragic consequences.

The Nordic Smart City Roadmap

Over the past decades, the term “smart city” has been used as a catch-all for various city development initiatives and concepts. With this joint Nordic Smart City Roadmap, we want to promote conceptual, ethical, and political guidelines that honor a more human-centric, inclusive, and collaborative approach to developing smarter and more sustainable communities.


MUST: Enabling multispecies transition in urban planning

The ongoing biodiversity crisis demonstrates that we need better ways to live with nature in cities. The MUST project, employing a multispecies transition lens, aims to enhance the understanding and visibility of multispecies needs. This, in turn, will foster improved deliberation and action among stakeholders.

Sustainability Governance in the City of Tallinn

Demos Helsinki and the City of Tallinn, the European Green Capital 2023, joined forces to create an innovative approach to sustainability governance in cities. Together, we embarked on a journey to develop the concept of sustainability governance, aware that cities could hold the key to fostering sustainable transformation and have…

Solving clusters of challenges in sustainable city transition

The Sustainable City programme, coordinated by Finland’s Ministry of the Environment, convenes a group of motivated cities and municipalities to join a one-year problem-solving journey to address the numerous interrelated challenges that slow down sustainable city transition. The challenges are related to urban planning that considers sustainability goals and prosperous…

