


What If Mobility Became the Symbol of the Future Once Again?

One hundred years ago, Henry Ford introduced the Ford Model T to middle-class Americans. The car revolutionized the whole transportation industry and became the symbol of modernization, freedom and prosperity for the growing middle classes. Currently, there is an ongoing mobility transformation, but it lacks a promise and symbolism. Mobility…


An assessment framework for non-discriminatory AI

AI systems can have a positive impact, but at the same time, biased algorithmic decision-making poses threats to equality and non-discrimination. Demos Helsinki conducted an assessment framework and a policy brief that would assist developers to establish an equitable journey for the development of AI services in the public sector, from design to deployment.

Housing First: A new systems perspective to ending homelessness

Achieving an impactful decrease in homelessness — and preventing it from happening in the first place — requires significant structural and operational changes. While Housing First holds great potential to enable systemic change in homelessness, it also risks being interpreted and deployed as a mere housing management tool — a misunderstanding of tragic consequences.

The Nordic Smart City Roadmap

Over the past decades, the term “smart city” has been used as a catch-all for various city development initiatives and concepts. With this joint Nordic Smart City Roadmap, we want to promote conceptual, ethical, and political guidelines that honor a more human-centric, inclusive, and collaborative approach to developing smarter and more sustainable communities.


KT4D: Fostering democracy through knowledge technologies

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can undermine democracy via the cultural disruptions they create, the power dynamics they shift, their tendency toward opacity, and the speed at which they change. The KT4D project investigates how democracy and civic participation can be facilitated in an era of rapidly changing knowledge technologies — such as AI and big data, thereby mitigating the risks of such technologies and identifying how they can be used to reinforce democratic governance and trust in public institutions.

REPAIR and renewal of algorithmic systems

What does the rapid expansion of AI mean for society? Driven by pressures to do more with shrinking resources, public sector authorities are deploying and planning to deploy automated service delivery. The pursuit of efficiency, combined with the lack of well-defined operational models and insufficient regulatory oversight, creates pressure towards…

Regions4Climate — just transition to climate resilience in European regions

The Regions4Climate project aims to collaboratively develop and demonstrate a socially just transition to climate resilience for European regions.   Increasingly frequent extreme weather conditions due to climate change, concomitant with unsustainable historical resource use and management practices, create the perfect storm — threatening our livelihoods, wellbeing, and environment. A…



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