


What If Mobility Became the Symbol of the Future Once Again?

One hundred years ago, Henry Ford introduced the Ford Model T to middle-class Americans. The car revolutionized the whole transportation industry and became the symbol of modernization, freedom and prosperity for the growing middle classes. Currently, there is an ongoing mobility transformation, but it lacks a promise and symbolism. Mobility…


Accessibility, inclusion, and participation

The vocabulary related to equality is partly overlapping and in public debate different terms are sometimes used interchangeably. The publication, created in a project with the Culture and Leisure division of the City of Helsinki, has made a distinction between “accessibility”, “inclusion”, and “participation” in terms of digital equality.

People First: A Vision for the Global Urban Age

While it is argued that smart city development is at an impasse, we argue that it is at a crossroads. It is possible to simultaneously develop and adopt new technologies and strengthen people’s rights, and this People-first vision presented in this report will show how.

Universalism in the Next Era: Moving Beyond Redistribution

Universal Basic Income (UBI) has emerged as a potential solution. However, it is not enough to merely reform systems of redistribution. We in Demos Helsinki believe that it is time to examine social security from a broader perspective.


Impact of algorithmic management on workers

In this digital era, the prevalent use of algorithmic management in the workplace has created a new set of challenges for workers and labour unions. This project studies the profound effects of algorithmic management on workers and labour organising in the Nordic context.

ARISE – Human-centric, agile, and ethical human-robot interaction (HRI)

Demos Helsinki and nine other front-running organisations in technology across Europe join forces in this project towards making industrial human-robot interaction (HRI) more accessible, cheaper, and easier to adopt. The particular focus of the project is on HRI in healthcare, intralogistics and manufacturing. 

MUST: Enabling multispecies transition in urban planning

The ongoing biodiversity crisis demonstrates that we need better ways to live with nature in cities. The MUST project, employing a multispecies transition lens, aims to enhance the understanding and visibility of multispecies needs. This, in turn, will foster improved deliberation and action among stakeholders.



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