


Demos Helsinki is part of three SRC-funded research projects on democracy and water security

These three research projects are: 1) Reducing polarisation via material participation (MaDem); 2) Coastal waters under pressure – safeguarding a healthy Gulf of Finland in a changing geopolitical and environmental landscape (CoWup); and 3) Safe Water for All (WaterFall).

What If Mobility Became the Symbol of the Future Once Again?

One hundred years ago, Henry Ford introduced the Ford Model T to middle-class Americans. The car revolutionized the whole transportation industry and became the symbol of modernization, freedom and prosperity for the growing middle classes. Currently, there is an ongoing mobility transformation, but it lacks a promise and symbolism. Mobility…

Speculating radical futures: a Post-voting society?

Imagine that government tracks your every move. Frankly, they can already do that, so this should not be an immense stretch of imagination. Then imagine that the establishment does the same for everyone you know. Does this wield an absolute power of those in control over the typical citizens? Not…


A Handbook for the Experiment Co-Creation Platform

The Experiment Co-Creation Platform (ECP) is a model for collaboration and experimenting dedicated in delivering sustainable solutions to wicked urban problems. It brings together cities, higher education institutions and non-academic collaborators such as companies and NGOs to develop research-based teams’ solutions through experimenting in a real-life setting.


The Sustainable Urban Net Zero Network for Ukraine – SUN4Ukraine

The project supports Ukrainian municipalities in their pursuit of climate neutrality amidst rebuilding efforts. Together with leading EU and Ukrainian partners, including city networks, research organisations and urban stakeholders, Demos Helsinki supports this project by providing arenas for sharing knowledge and testing new methods for engaging citizens and other stakeholders in these processes.

Impact of algorithmic management on workers

In this digital era, the prevalent use of algorithmic management in the workplace has created a new set of challenges for workers and labour unions. This project studies the profound effects of algorithmic management on workers and labour organising in the Nordic context.

CO3: COntinuous COnstruction of resilient social COntracts

The social contract encounters mounting challenges in contemporary society, leading to friction and distrust among citizens towards democratic institutions. The CO3 project is dedicated to developing and promoting a democratic, inclusive, and open model of social contracts, embodying political and social resilience amongst significant societal challenges, crises, and anti-democratic tendencies.



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