Oriane Ollivier

Junior expert


Oriane Ollivier, our Junior Expert based in Helsinki, is our go-to person when it comes to the environment, the future of cities, and European affairs. With a background in social sciences and a Master’s in European Governance from Sciences Po Grenoble, Oriane has a thorough knowledge of the functioning of the European Union as well as the societal issues we are facing nowadays. Having previously worked at Euroquality in Paris, Oriane brings a wealth of experience in managing and communicating innovative European projects.

At Demos Helsinki, Oriane is engaged in two major European projects tackling global solutions to fight and adapt to climate change: NetZeroCities and Regions4Climate.

Outside of work, Oriane’s love for ballet is palpable—whether she’s watching performances, practicing her own moves, or engaging in lively discussions about the art form. And being in Finland, she often unwinds in the comforting embrace of a traditional Finnish sauna, fully immersing herself in the local culture.