


Where lies the value in locality?

Last spring Demos Helsinki worked on a report concerning locality and local value. Our approach was to map out the theory and examples of the relationships between locality and the local media, and by organising a workshop in Tampere. A group of influential regional actors from businesses, municipalities, universities and…

Funding, work, and participation are changing. No biggie.

The yearly Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Conference organised in Baltimore in mid-February was a goldmine of state-of-the-art research that crosses the boundaries of the social sciences and information technology. I spoke about a current project that examines the networked hospitality exchange fostered by the Airbnb concept: Account sharing in the context…

The Futures of Health

Who are healthcare services produced for in the future? How to support the abilities of individuals, and how will megatrends shape and mold the available resources of today? Who should own the data on your personal health? What is the impact of e-health and other disruptive technologies? In early 2014, Demos Helsinki…

The best right now

The post has originally been published in Kesko Group’s Responsibility blog. An ad on the front page of a newspaper touts easy seasonal treats, strawberries and blueberries. In May. The soft spot of Finns is exploited early. Who doesn’t have a flutter in their heart, looking forward to the first new…

What happens when you collide all Aalto’s new design MA-students with wicked problems?

Demos Helsinki was given a unique opportunity to craft and run the intensive introductory course of new design post-grads at Aalto-university. Come and see what we made at the Mediakeskus Lume / Aalto on 02 September 13:00 – 15:00. We promise you nothing less than a manifesto of design in…

There is no Spoon – Wellbeing in the Age of Wicked Problems

This is the age of lifestyle. And that has turned our problems wicked. Human behaviour has become the prime focus of all production, design and politics. In humans, we believe, lies the solutions to wicked problems. We invite you for a lecture series in Wicked Problems: Wednesday 24th August 13:15…


Vision Paper: Care – from crisis to transition

Public debate in Finland suggests that care is in crisis, but “crisis” and a fixation on resourcing care services do not capture the full picture of why and how our need for care has changed and how we can meet that need. This publication by Demos Helsinki identifies that the care crisis signals the need for a care transition in which care cannot be confined to industrial frameworks.

Loops for Wisdom

How can an organization or a society become wiser? This paper by Demos Helsinki Fellow Geoff Mulgan shares some answers with a framework that cuts across different disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, computer science and organisational design.

The Imaginary Crisis (and how we might quicken social and public imagination)

We find it easy to imagine apocalypse and disaster; or to imagine new generations of technology. But we find it much harder than in the past to imagine a better society a generation or more into the future. In this paper, Demos Helsinki Fellow Geoff Mulgan sets out thoughts on what, how, and who to address this gap.


MERGE: Building economic policies beyond GDP

Despite being an established indicator of economic growth, GDP is debated to overlook the true essence of citizens’ quality of life and overall wellbeing. This project aims to improve knowledge on indicators beyond GDP, alternative and more sustainable policy options, and scenarios for a sustainable future.

CO3: COntinuous COnstruction of resilient social COntracts

The social contract encounters mounting challenges in contemporary society, leading to friction and distrust among citizens towards democratic institutions. The CO3 project is dedicated to developing and promoting a democratic, inclusive, and open model of social contracts, embodying political and social resilience amongst significant societal challenges, crises, and anti-democratic tendencies.

A new logic of care

How we care for each other is not an issue of healthcare budgets; it is an issue of a long-term, multi-sectoral change. This project seeks to show that there is no amount of money that can revert the current state of affairs. Instead, the care transition requires that we transform, disrupt and renew almost everything that we do.



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