Eedla Sofia Rahikainen
As an expert of socio-ecological justice, Eedla strives for equal and prosperous societies for all. We need to transform many of our old ways of inhabiting this planet but in a manner that is fair and where everyone’s voice is being heard. In order to achieve this objective, Eedla is working especially on topics of just transitions, governance, and deliberative democracy.
Eedla is also Demos Helsinki’s very own lawyer, and, as Legal Counsel, she oversees the legal activities of Demos Helsinki. Prior to Demos Helsinki, she has worked as the CEO of a legal HR company and in consultancy business.
At Demos Helsinki, Eedla works as a case study leader in the TANDEM project and in a ministerial project of identifying skills and capabilities of the future, among other things.
Outside of work, “all-things-grandma” are Eedla’s cup of tea: knitting, gardening, mushroom hunting, aqua-jogging? Bring it on.
Contact the expert
+358 44 060 5132
Report: Good practices for the identification of skills and capabilities
September 16, 2024
TANDEM: Citizens envisioning a just transition
January 10, 2023
Navigating the green transition – a toolkit for developing key skills in organisations
November 25, 2024
Vihreä siirtymä ei tapahdu vaan se tehdään – Suuntia ja työkaluja vihreän osaamisen kehittämiseen organisaatioissa
November 25, 2024