


Demos Helsinki is part of three SRC-funded research projects on democracy and water security

These three research projects are: 1) Reducing polarisation via material participation (MaDem); 2) Coastal waters under pressure – safeguarding a healthy Gulf of Finland in a changing geopolitical and environmental landscape (CoWup); and 3) Safe Water for All (WaterFall).

Neljä kysymystä, joiden avulla tutkimuksesta tulee vaikuttavaa

  Tutkimusartikkelilla on vaikuttavuutta vasta, kun joku on lukenut artikkelin, lukijan ymmärrys on lisääntynyt tai, parhaimmillaan, lukija on muuttanut artikkelin perusteella käsitystään tai toimintatapojaan. Tutkimuksella vaikuttamisen päämääränä on siten muutos. Nämä neljä kysymystä auttavat pääsemään siihen. Kun tutkija ryhtyy viestimään ja vaikuttamaan, huomaa hän pian, että kilpailu huomiosta on kovaa….


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TOKEN: The Transformative Impact of Distributed Technologies in Public Services

TOKEN eases the adoption of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) as drivers for far more open, transparent, trusted and efficient public services.

SUDDEN – Sustainable approach to pharmaceuticals in the environment

SUDDEN is a research project that seeks solutions to decrease the adverse environmental effects of pharmaceuticals and to improve the sustainability of the pharmaceutical sector.

BlueAdapt – Enhancing Adaptive Capacity for Sustainable Blue Growth

BlueAdapt builds pathways for sustainable blue growth by promoting innovations and adaptive governance. Finland’s rivers, lakes, as well as coastal and marine waters, are an underrecognized resource for building future success and Finnish welfare. Aquatic environments provide valuable opportunities for growth, but at the same time, their future is also…



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