Tutkimusartikkelilla on vaikuttavuutta vasta, kun joku on lukenut artikkelin, lukijan ymmärrys on lisääntynyt tai, parhaimmillaan, lukija on muuttanut artikkelin perusteella käsitystään tai toimintatapojaan. Tutkimuksella vaikuttamisen päämääränä on siten muutos. Nämä neljä kysymystä auttavat pääsemään siihen. Kun tutkija ryhtyy viestimään ja vaikuttamaan, huomaa hän pian, että kilpailu huomiosta on kovaa….
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What determines a just transition to low-carbon futures? In July 2021, the European Commission launched the ‘Fit for 55’ climate policy package, designed to bring many of the EU policies up to speed to achieve a 55% reduction in net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Recognising that these technical mitigation…
Demos Helsinki is working as part of a consortium of leading European organisations to support cities in collectively finding new ways to drastically cut their emissions by 2030 through the NetZeroCities project. NetZeroCities is a Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme which supports the EU Mission for “100 Climate-Neutral…
Demos Helsinki has partnered with a consortium of researchers to identify the ideas, structures and collaborations needed to manage future health crises in a project called WELGO. The WELGO project is funded by the PANDEMICS programme of the Finnish Strategic Research Council. Within WELGO, Demos Helsinki conducts scientific research together…
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