


Demos Helsinki is part of three SRC-funded research projects on democracy and water security

These three research projects are: 1) Reducing polarisation via material participation (MaDem); 2) Coastal waters under pressure – safeguarding a healthy Gulf of Finland in a changing geopolitical and environmental landscape (CoWup); and 3) Safe Water for All (WaterFall).

Neljä kysymystä, joiden avulla tutkimuksesta tulee vaikuttavaa

  Tutkimusartikkelilla on vaikuttavuutta vasta, kun joku on lukenut artikkelin, lukijan ymmärrys on lisääntynyt tai, parhaimmillaan, lukija on muuttanut artikkelin perusteella käsitystään tai toimintatapojaan. Tutkimuksella vaikuttamisen päämääränä on siten muutos. Nämä neljä kysymystä auttavat pääsemään siihen. Kun tutkija ryhtyy viestimään ja vaikuttamaan, huomaa hän pian, että kilpailu huomiosta on kovaa….


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REPAIR and renewal of algorithmic systems

What does the rapid expansion of AI mean for society? Driven by pressures to do more with shrinking resources, public sector authorities are deploying and planning to deploy automated service delivery. The pursuit of efficiency, combined with the lack of well-defined operational models and insufficient regulatory oversight, creates pressure towards…

Regions4Climate — just transition to climate resilience in European regions

The Regions4Climate project aims to collaboratively develop and demonstrate a socially just transition to climate resilience for European regions.   Increasingly frequent extreme weather conditions due to climate change, concomitant with unsustainable historical resource use and management practices, create the perfect storm — threatening our livelihoods, wellbeing, and environment. A…

Building a better world through alternative protein sources

The EU Horizon-funded LIKE-A-PRO project aims to promote the transition to sustainable and healthy diets by shifting promising alternative proteins and products from niche to mainstream — making them more available, accessible, and acceptable to all population groups.   LIKE-A-PRO has set out to: Understand what determines consumer behaviour and…



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