Tutkimusartikkelilla on vaikuttavuutta vasta, kun joku on lukenut artikkelin, lukijan ymmärrys on lisääntynyt tai, parhaimmillaan, lukija on muuttanut artikkelin perusteella käsitystään tai toimintatapojaan. Tutkimuksella vaikuttamisen päämääränä on siten muutos. Nämä neljä kysymystä auttavat pääsemään siihen. Kun tutkija ryhtyy viestimään ja vaikuttamaan, huomaa hän pian, että kilpailu huomiosta on kovaa….
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The ongoing biodiversity crisis demonstrates that we need better ways to live with nature in cities. The MUST project, employing a multispecies transition lens, aims to enhance the understanding and visibility of multispecies needs. This, in turn, will foster improved deliberation and action among stakeholders.
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can undermine democracy via the cultural disruptions they create, the power dynamics they shift, their tendency toward opacity, and the speed at which they change. The KT4D project investigates how democracy and civic participation can be facilitated in an era of rapidly changing knowledge technologies — such as AI and big data, thereby mitigating the risks of such technologies and identifying how they can be used to reinforce democratic governance and trust in public institutions.
What does the rapid expansion of AI mean for society? Driven by pressures to do more with shrinking resources, public sector authorities are deploying and planning to deploy automated service delivery. The pursuit of efficiency, combined with the lack of well-defined operational models and insufficient regulatory oversight, creates pressure towards…
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