Civil service
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We believe governments of the 21st Century are vision-driven, continuously learning, and unbounded. This is our vision on Public Sector Innovation of the Next Era.
Ever since the publication of its Economic Vision 2030 in 2008, the Kingdom of Bahrain committed an ever-increasing amount of resources and efforts to the intentional promotion of public sector innovation. Their approach entails a two-pronged strategy based on the creation of an environment conducive to innovation (for example, through…
Building capacity around foresight helps policymakers find better pathways to desired futures while learning to prepare for risks and looming challenges. That is why we are working with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to…
The Finnish public service has been praised as an exceptional case combining strong institutions, stability, trust, transparency, and ambition to apply innovative approaches. In the last decade, the country nurtured a widely acclaimed ecosystem where foresight leverages multidisciplinary expertise, encompasses different levels — such as ministry and regional — and…
Sahib Singh
Sahib spends his time at Demos Helsinki’s preoccupied by just democratic futures and global governance. At the moment he won’t stop nattering about the need to think systemically and critically about democratic innovations, the political economy of global governance institutions and modes of effective alliance building. At his best, Sahib’s…
Nina Langerholc
Nina is passionate and hands-on. She orchestrates our governance work and is in constant pursuit of new organisational and system-level approaches to increase the speed of societal transformation. Nina works on bridging the gaps and connecting different sectors, stakeholders, and organisations on a joint transformation journey. This means managing transformation…
Bhuvana Sekar
Bhuvana works as as an expert contributing to the Nordic Baukultur project and other strategic initiatives. She specialises in participatory design, human computer interaction, service design, and uses them as lenses to clarify her passions in the realms of public-sector, digital technologies, governance and social change transformations. In parallel, Bhuvana…
Building new and exciting capacities is one of the most long-term impact interventions that can turn organisations into a examples of a new era.