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Helsinki Challenge

Helsinki Challenge is a science-based idea competition and an accelerator program. The competition was first organized by the University of Helsinki in 2015 to celebrate the university’s 375th anniversary. In 2017 10 Finnish universities joined forces to organize the competition again in the context of the 100th anniversary year of…

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SmartUp Accelerator

SmartUp Accelerator is a collaboration project between seven countries around the Baltic Sea with the focus on building consumer cleantech ecosystems, activating its innovation actors and improving their skills to identify brilliant ideas and foster teams committed to creating new businesses.  There is a growing interest in consumer clean technology,…

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BlueAdapt – Enhancing Adaptive Capacity for Sustainable Blue Growth

BlueAdapt builds pathways for sustainable blue growth by promoting innovations and adaptive governance. Finland’s rivers, lakes, as well as coastal and marine waters, are an underrecognized resource for building future success and Finnish welfare. Aquatic environments provide valuable opportunities for growth, but at the same time, their future is also…

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BIBU – Tackling Biases and Bubbles in Participation

The future of democracy relies on updating our institutions and processes to meet our global challenges. BIBU, Tackling Biases and Bubbles in Participation, explored how global transitions are reshaping citizenship and political decision-making in Finland. The current global transitions involving globalisation, economic restructuring, urbanisation and migration, are challenging democratic systems….

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BEMINE – Beyond MALPE-coordination: Integrative Envisioning

BEMINE-project produces new knowledge about urbanisation, solves problems related to the planning of city-regions, and develops new concepts and practises to enhance more visionary strategic planning. Current urban planning has several problems that hinder it from steering city-regional development towards a more sustainable future. The strategic research project BEMINE (Beyond…

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Code of Conduct – National Ethical Code of Conduct for Societal Experiments

Many different kinds of societal experiments are being conducted in Finland. Working towards establishing a culture of experiments is among the top projects in the current government programme (2015). This also explains the rise in the number of experiments. Experiments can produce important and uniquely beneficial information to support societal…

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KORVA – Forms of Organising Funding for Experiments

As part of the current government programme (2015) of Finland, experiments are highlighted as a means to reform society. Thus, establishing a culture of experiments is among the focuses of the programme. During the years 2015–16, Demos Helsinki led a project with its partner Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), during which…

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Tech for Society: technology as a building block for a sustainable and equal society

Demos Helsinki is helping public administration and companies to widen their perception of the technological shift. We have done considerable research and development projects on the societal and business impact of technology, including the Naked Approach initiative funded by Tekes (Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation), and the Ministry…

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100 Smart and Sustainable Consumer Acts

The personal daily choices and actions of consumers have a significant impact on the overall greenhouse gas emissions and the consumption of natural resources. In 2017, to map sustainable means for leading a good life and the opportunities for expanding the market of such consumer choices, Demos Helsinki, Sitra and…

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The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development came into effect on 1.1.2016. The core of its Action Plan consists of 17 jointly accepted objectives and their 169 sub-objectives. Their aim is to demolish extreme poverty and achieve sustainable development in all relevant areas: economically, with respect to well-being, and environmentally….

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The Naked Approach

What are the possibilities in using digitalization and Internet of Things to improve human capabilities and create a more resource smart world? In the hyperconnected society there are more and more connections between people and things. This allows for new ways for people to participate and be capable – and…

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A Shared Objective for the Future of Work

It has been speculated that work as we know it will be changing.  This uncertainty and the risk involved has instigated research into the possibilities and how to adapt. In Finland, the Prime Minister’s Office commissioned Demos Helsinki to develop a shared aim and understanding for the future of work. To…

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