Veikko Eranti
We take great pride in our academic work. We believe changing the world requires high-quality academic research and have vastly expanded our own academic work. But academia has its own set of codes, and ensuring our work is relevant and meets the highest standards is our very own Veikko. He supports our researchers in fulfilling excellence and helps organise our academic portfolio.
Veikko is our interpreter between the think tank and academia worlds. By combining the best of both worlds, we are able to create completely new forms of impact. Working in this crossroads requires finesse, and we are lucky to have Veikko as our guide.
Veikko is an assistant professor of urban sociology at the University of Helsinki and also holds a PhD in sociology from the same university.
You might recognise Veikko from TV! In addition to being Finland’s go-to NIMBY researcher for talk shows, he started his career working in the children’s show Hilarius Hiiri!
Veikko’s academic research:
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February 15, 2023
Unbounded Government: Opportunities for Developing New Government Practices
October 1, 2019