Jenni Kilpi
To interact and connect – this is Jenni’s pathway to change. Whether it’s renewing a strategy, building an impact roadmap, mapping out future scenarios, or evaluating engagement processes, the key is building inclusive and empowering engagement and agency. Incidentally, this intersection is where Jenni shines. We cherish her ability to really see the human behind the process – no wonder she is an in-demand consultant and has been involved with all kinds of work. Through her projects, Jenni leaves behind a trail of better coordination and leadership that enable new forms of participation.
Jenni’s background is a unique combination of music and activism. She is inspired by building bridges between unexpected actors and is currently writing a doctoral thesis on peacebuilding through music. She holds a passion and a broad understanding of creativity and reimagination as means for change.
At Demos Helsinki, Jenni has worked on strategies, roadmaps and evaluations with clients such as the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Environment and the University of the Arts. She works also a lot on policy interaction in the Academy of Finland’s Strategic Research Council projects, like BlueAdapt and REPAIR. Jenni serves as the Chair of the Board of Demos Helsinki ry (2023-2024).
Every autumn, you can find Jenni sipping a pumpkin spice latte and reminiscing about her time in New York – warm drinks and thoughts are definitely needed during the Finnish autumn.
Jenni’s academic research: ORCID
Contact the expert
+358 50 408 5223
MERGE: Building economic policies beyond GDP
April 15, 2024
Demos Helsinki at COP28: Developing skills for the workforce of the future
December 1, 2023
Equality and diversity in Finnish higher education institutions
January 19, 2023
Report: Knowledge and training needs for a green transition
September 16, 2024
Selvitys korkeakoulujen tasa-arvon, yhdenvertaisuuden ja monimuotoisuuden tilasta Suomessa
June 20, 2023
BlueAdapt – Enhancing Adaptive Capacity for Sustainable Blue Growth
April 3, 2018
Navigating the green transition – a toolkit for developing key skills in organisations
November 25, 2024
Vihreä siirtymä ei tapahdu vaan se tehdään – Suuntia ja työkaluja vihreän osaamisen kehittämiseen organisaatioissa
November 25, 2024