Anna Björk
Anna is a political scientist whose academic love affairs include research on political concepts, societal impacts of emerging technologies, and temporality. Her current and upcoming research analyses societal transformations from the perspectives of the EU digital policy, contemporary social contracts, and inclusivity. Alongside doing research, Anna is also working closely with her colleagues in developing and implementing the Demos Helsinki research agenda as well as our academic research operations.
Before joining us, Anna worked several years in academia as well as in consultancy. After completing her PhD and postdoctoral projects based on the mix of citizenship studies, parliamentarism, and conceptual history, Anna has been happily applying research angles to policy-oriented research projects in collaboration with ministries and the parliament in Finland, on, e.g,. algorithmic discrimination, mission-oriented policy, and gender equality.
Anna’s Demos Helsinki -based projects include, e.g., the European Commission funded projects KT4D (Knowledge Technologies for Democracy) and CommuniCity as well as the previously published Avoiding AI biases, an assessment framework for non-discriminatory AI systems.
Outside work, Anna spends quite a bit of time dreaming about skiing (downhill) and actually manages to also explore this dream every now and then. Meanwhile, the other half of her brain is preoccupied with random things having something to do with music.
Anna’s academic research: ORCID
Academic publications affiliated with Demos Helsinki:
– Erikson, J., Björk, A., Paavola, JM. (2024). Still Signs of Masculine Norms in the Parliamentary Workplace? Political Gender Equality in Finland and Sweden After a Century of Universal Suffrage. In: Erikson, J., Freidenvall, L. (eds) Suffrage and Its Legacy in the Nordics and Beyond. Gender and Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-52359-5_9
– Björk, A. (2023). Facts, Narratives and Migration: Tackling Disinformation at the European and UN Level of Governance. In: Conrad, M., Hálfdanarson, G., Michailidou, A., Galpin, C., Pyrhönen, N. (eds) Europe in the Age of Post-Truth Politics. Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13694-8_9
– Björk, A. & Shaw, C. (2022): Extensions of citizenship? Exploring digital, global and environmental citizenship education. Postcolonial Directions in Education, vol 11, issue 1, p.140-177, ISSN 2304-5388.
Contact the expert
+358 44 508 5404
Policy Brief: Towards a regenerative digital economy
June 20, 2023
The EU must develop new policies for the data economy
October 8, 2021
To change system settings, click here.
February 15, 2023
Missions for governance: Unleashing missions beyond policy
October 26, 2022
The future of democracy and welfare in Europe: 4 scenarios for 2040
August 1, 2022
An assessment framework for non-discriminatory AI
August 23, 2022
CommuniCity: Including marginalised communities in co-creation processes
February 15, 2023
KT4D: Fostering democracy through knowledge technologies
November 21, 2023
Avoiding AI biases: A Finnish assessment framework for non-discriminatory AI systems
May 12, 2021
CO3: COntinuous COnstruction of resilient social COntracts
March 13, 2024
ATARCA: Scientific Foundation for Anti-Rival Compensation and Governance Technology
June 11, 2021