


What is the role of business when the rest of the world is changing?

Businesses must redefine their societal purpose to address today’s complex challenges. Companies are urged to radically transform their supply chains, invest in new markets, and embrace activism. Yet, many still cling to outdated roles in society. It’s time to ask: can business remain unchanged while the world rapidly evolves?

The future does not exist

The world is full of chance, chaos, and things we don’t have a tested solution for. As such, companies try to eliminate uncertainty by either using data to predict trends or employing complex forecasting methods. Yet, neither of these models has any relevance unless we devote some time to thinking…

Hyperconnected technologies change how to do business – four value creation models that are successful in the future

Hyperconnected technologies change how companies do business and create value, by gathering more precise insights for better decision-making. In the era of hyperconnected business, we have an unprecedented amount of data available. This means that we are able to coordinate resources and produce value in new ways.

Limited Liability Corporation is Dead, Long Live Responsible Ownership

Limited liability corporation has been a successful business structure that has many strengths. Now we have an economic system where a single platform is needed to manage trust-relations in the entire sector – think Airbnb or even for the hotel business. Companies affect to our democratic systems and dictate common…

10 Years Later, Forerunner Businesses And Cities Transform The Lifestyles Of People

This week Demos Helsinki is attending Global Climate Action Summit (GCAS) in San Francisco, California. This article is our contribution for the discussion on the future of global climate action, based on the work by Demos Helsinki over the course of the past decade. There has been a long debate…

What do we talk about when we talk about strategic foresight

To make it simple, the role of strategic foresight should be as the informant, the source of knowledge, the basis for strategic planning and decision-making. After all, without incorporating any foresight to your decision-making, you will be making decisions that are only based on current conditions and as we all…


Navigating the green transition – a toolkit for developing key skills in organisations

What if green skills were more than technical expertise? The Green Skills Radar helps Finnish organisations integrate transformative mindsets and leadership into sustainability strategies. With tools for skill assessments and practical recommendations, it guides teams to navigate change, fostering adaptability and collaboration for a successful green transition.

Skopegy: Strategy in the 21st century

Our collective future depends on the ability of all organisations to not only react to changes in the world but recognise and embrace the agency they hold to intentionally build better future societies. The approach presented in this white paper is Demos Helsinki’s attempt to provide one concrete way out of the methodological dead end stifling the private sector’s capability for meaningful and ambitious transformation.

Bees and Trees – Unique Partnerships to Co-create Sustainable Business

This manual presents a model for strategic partnerships between small companies (bees) and large companies (trees) for the co-creation and development of groundbreaking products and services. This need is particularly relevant in the field of consumer cleantech, where changes in consumer behaviour are often radical and systemic. Small companies and startups…


The Naked Approach

What are the possibilities in using digitalization and Internet of Things to improve human capabilities and create a more resource smart world? In the hyperconnected society there are more and more connections between people and things. This allows for new ways for people to participate and be capable – and…

Smart Retro: A novel way of developing cities with digital services

Many urban areas – buildings, services and urban activities alike – are dilapidating. To tackle this problem, Demos Helsinki, KTH CESC and 12 other Nordic cities, companies and universities came together to start Smart Retro – a 2 year project (2014–2015) on how actors of the built environment can push…

The Naked Approach: A Nordic perspective to gadget-free hyperconnected environments

What are the possibilities in using digitalization and Internet of Things to improve human capabilities and create a more resource smart world? In the hyperconnected society there are more and more connections between people and things. This allows for new ways for people to participate and be capable – and…

