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Work 2040 – Scenarios for the Future of Work

From the 80s to the present day, rather big changes have taken place in Finland’s occupational structure. The workers of 2017 represent a different group than a couple of decades ago. Part of the progression is slower and part of it is uneven, because the working population replaces itself over…

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WITH – Refugees for co-creative cities

In Refugees for co-creative cities, we wanted to re-think the accommodation of refugees in Europe. We challenge the concept of the reception centre by new forms of accommodation, which are co-created by refugees, asylum seekers and locals. Publication WITH shares some examples of workable solutions for inclusive housing and better integration.

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Design for Government: Humancentric governance through experiments

The report for the Design for Government project published in June 2015 proposed a new, quick-to-implement model for including experiments and behavioural approaches into Finnish policy design. The use of behavioural approaches as part of governmental steering has been shown to make policy more user-orientated, targeted and efficient. The English introduction presented below…

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Policy brief: Finland aims to become a sustainable development leader

The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was launched in the beginning of 2016 and Finland aims to be among the leading countries in its implementation. The Avain2030 project of the Finnish Environment Institute and Demos Helsinki identified the pain points and success stories of sustainable development in Finland based on…

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Agenda 2030 in Finland: Key questions and indicators of sustainable development

Avain2030 project examined Finland’s current position and identified its challenges and successes as a part of UN’s global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The study was commissioned by Finnish Government and conducted by Demos Helsinki and Finnish Environment Institute. Finland performs well in international benchmarking on sustainable development, but in…

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How does hyperconnectivity change the way your company creates value?

Hyperconnected business is a personalized report for companies to be used to design new resource efficient business models based on six identified value creation models that Hyperconnectivity allows and their related development steps. Access the report here! The current global development is increasing interdependency in the economy, with digitalization and the…

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