Digitalisation, continuously in progress, offers significant opportunities to build continuously learning, unbounded government and organise public services in unprecedented practices and contexts. This publication outlines the theses of digital-era governance and brings forward opportunities for building more inclusive, continuously learning, and unbounded next-era government.
This publication outlines the theses of digital-era governance and brings forward opportunities for building more inclusive, continuously learning and unbounded next-era government.
Digitalisation, continuously in progress, offers significant opportunities to build continuously learning, unbounded government and organise public services in unprecedented practices and contexts. Seizing the opportunities of digitalisation to create more effective, inclusive, and safer societies of the future requires: 1) focusing on people’s needs 2) digitising services on a large scale, 3) co-operation between different governmental sectors, and 4) developing new operational models and leadership in government.
The report explores:
- The threats and opportunities of digitalisation in the context of different forms of public administration
- The preconditions for an unbounded and continuously learning government that will succeed in the new digitised era
- Insights and ideas on how to successfully integrate these goals and practices into a digitalised era governance.
The examples are based on Finnish experiences in digitalising public governance. We hope they inspire government organisations around the world to grasp the opportunities to build inclusive, effective and human-centric public governance.
The observations and conclusions presented in the publication were developed through a co-creation process. The participants were experts from the Ministry of Finance and public servants working in ICT projects in various Finnish government bureaus. The co-creation process included interviews and workshops, and has brought valuable viewpoints to this publication.
More info: Johannes Mikkonen, Senior Consultant,
The publication in Finnish – lataa julkaisu suomeksi täältä: Lupaus jatkuvasti oppivasta digitaalisen aikakauden julkisesta hallinnosta
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