BlueAdapt – Enhancing Adaptive Capacity for Sustainable Blue Growth

BlueAdapt builds pathways for sustainable blue growth by promoting innovations and adaptive governance. Finland’s rivers, lakes, as well as coastal and marine waters, are an underrecognized resource for building future success and Finnish welfare. Aquatic environments provide valuable opportunities for growth, but at the same time, their future is also…

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BIBU – Tackling Biases and Bubbles in Participation

The future of democracy relies on updating our institutions and processes to meet our global challenges. BIBU, Tackling Biases and Bubbles in Participation, explored how global transitions are reshaping citizenship and political decision-making in Finland. The current global transitions involving globalisation, economic restructuring, urbanisation and migration, are challenging democratic systems.…

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BEMINE – Beyond MALPE-coordination: Integrative Envisioning

BEMINE-project produces new knowledge about urbanisation, solves problems related to the planning of city-regions, and develops new concepts and practises to enhance more visionary strategic planning. Current urban planning has several problems that hinder it from steering city-regional development towards a more sustainable future. The strategic research project BEMINE (Beyond…

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