Vincent Lassalle (on leave)

Vincent Lassalle

Vincent is a senior expert in the New Governance Team.

He has been a practitioner, a consultant, and a writer on the topic of organisational innovation and societal change for over a decade. Prior to joining Demos Helsinki, Vincent’s already international career focused on innovation and spanned most of its value chain, from research & development to growth management, with experiences in venture capital, entrepreneurship, as well as strategic foresight and change management for both the private and public sectors.

He is the author of Bridge Builders: Learning from those ushering the future of society (2017), a personal essay following a year-long international study on post-industrial transition. Of dual Franco-New Zealander nationality, Vincent is based in Paris, France. He holds a Msc in Management from HEC – Paris and is an alumni of the Institut supérieur de l’aéronautique et de l’espace (ISAE-Supaero) in Toulouse and the National University of Singapore (NUS).

When not doing so with colleagues, Vincent is happiest walking to-and-fro the kitchen counter and dining table, during an evening of rich conversations, good food and good cheer. On rare occasions, he has been known to ramble on a little too long… which is why he has been asked politely to stop writing this bio now.

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+39 344 445 6987

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