
What's new at Demos Helsinki?

HOAS Laboratory

The services of housing are underdeveloped, if not non-existent. Yet housing makes up the largest share of both our ecological footprint and our national income. This was the starting point of our joint project with the biggest constructor of the Helsinki area, Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region…

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Design Round Table 2012

Kesäkuussa 2012 Ajatushautomo Demos Helsinki ja valtion muotoilutoimikunta kokosivat 120 pohjoismaista muotoilun asiantuntijaa piirtämään päiväksi kuvaa muotoilun suunnasta. Tähän muotoilupääkaupunkivuoden Design Round Table – tapahtumaan osallistuneet muotoiluammattilaiset visioivat, miltä hyvin muotoiltu Suomi näyttää vuonna 2030 ja pohtivat, mitä toimenpiteitä tarvitaan tänään, jotta parempi tulevaisuus toteutuu. Tuloksena syntyneeseen julkaisuun “Muotoiltu huominen – suomalaisen…

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World Design Capital Pavilion

Helsinki was the World Design Capital in 2012. The central stage and forum of the design year, the WDC pavilion was a centre for entertainment and learning from May till September 2012. Demos Helsinki curated the programme including discussion on poverty, design markets, lunch yoga, a short film festival, and…

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PEERSOME 2012 Summit

PEERSOME 2012 was the world’s first conference on peer groups and sustainable lifestyles. Groups rule the world. Groups breed new kinds of consumers. More confident, more powerful and most importantly more willing to change their lifestyles. Together. Research suggests that groups impact behaviour most strongly. The focus of PEERSOME 2012 were…

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School Festival 2012

If everyone you knew were to gather in one place to teach each other something, what would they be able to teach? We all know something someone else wants to learn about – this is why Demos Helsinki and the Helsinki Festival together with the Aalto University and The Finnish Innovation…

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Low2No Camp

Low2No Camp was a strategic design workshop. In Low2No Camp thirty carefully chosen Helsinki-based urban activists came together to create and scale up groundbreaking projects from Restaurant day and Hemistan to Basso and Kääntöpöytä. These key people of Helsinki´s people-driven urban culture worked hard to take our thinking on what…

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Demos Helsinki proudly presents: Low2No Camp

Low2No Camp is a strategic design workshop curated by think tank Demos Helsinki. In Low2No Camp thirty carefully chosen urbanist come together to create groundbreaking projects. The key players of Helsinki´s people-driven urban culture are here to take our thinking on what good life in cities can be to the…

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Final Report of the Country Brand Delegation 2010

Demos Helsinki wrote up the final report for the Finnish Country Brand Delegation. The report centered around functionality, nature, and education. Demos Helsinki sifted through the material produced by the Country Brand Delegation, and held tree internal seminars with the delegation representatives. Each theme was addressed through Finland’s national strengths,…

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Politics of Happiness – A manifesto

In 2009-2010 WWF Finland and Demos Helsinki carried out a project that synthesised research results on the factors that influence people’s happiness and wellbeing. Based on this research, we built the foundations for a the politics of One Planet, which would increase human wellbeing efficiently, and within the boundaries of…

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The Change and Changers of Climate Attitudes

                                         Demos Helsinki was asked to study the changes in citizen attitudes towards climate change and assess different instruments in changing them. The work was done for the future report of the Prime…

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