
What's new at Demos Helsinki?

ClimateLaunchpad Finland

Would you like to tackle climate change with entrepreneurship? Do you have an idea related to energy sector, consumer behaviour, smart mobility, food? We have great news for you, the world’s biggest cleantech business competition Climate Launchpad is here again! Apply here! Climate Launchpad is for early stage teams and…

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Demos Helsinki newsletter: Cleantech is dead

THE LATEST THINKING FROM THE NORDIC THINK TANK This is Demos Helsinki’s bulletin on the thoughts and ideas shaping our futures. This month we look at where cleantech is heading next, and why it’s a very Nordic phenomenon. CLEANTECH IS DEAD. LONG LIVE THE (CONSUMER) CLEANTECH We asked leading economists to have…

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Demos Helsinki joins Almedalen Week, Sweden’s largest congregation of minds

Almedalen is an annual week-long political festival unlike anything else in the world. Held on the gorgeous island of Visby, the event brings together the greatest thinkers in everything from politics to business to activism. Some 30,000 people gather to hear the talks. Fores and Demos Helsinki will stage an inspirational…

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Global Consumer Cleantech Opportunities

Global Consumer Cleantech Opportunities oli Tekesin tilaama hanke, jonka Demos Helsinki ja Solved toteuttivat yhteistyössä. Selvitys valottaa asiantuntijahaastattelujen, yrityskartoituksen sekä ajuri- ja megatrendianalyysin keinoin kuluttajapuolen cleantechin kiinnostavimpia markkina-alueita, liiketoimintamalleja ja yritysesimerkkejä. Päätarkoituksena oli kartoittaa suomalaisten kuluttaja-cleantechin vahvuudet maailmanlaajuisilla markkinoilla sekä tehdä toimenpide-ehdotuksia suomalaisten yritysten tukemiseksi.

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Water-filtering solution Nanomaji wins Finnish finals in Europe’s largest climate innovation competition

Finland is a cleantech country. Recent rankings by Cleantech Group and the WWF have placed the US, Israel, and Finland in the top 3 global leaders of cleantech. Many Finns hope that sector will become the country’s next big export after Nokia. So what makes Finnish cleantech so special? Demos Helsinki carries out…

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10 New Finnish Climate Change Solutions: Eat Insects And Grow Vegetables In Stores

Finland is a problem-solving nation. The Finnish school-system gathers praise, a Finnish president-turned-conflict-solver received the Nobel Peace Prize some years back and now Finland is tackling climate change with a variety of interesting solutions. Finland recently gathered the most applications of all the 28 participating countries in the world’s largest…

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What happens when you put a coder, energy expert and behaviour scientist in the same room? Finland’s first Behaviour Change Hackathon

Finland’s first energy-efficiency Behaviour Change Hackathon took place in the capital earlier this week. Organised by Demos Helsinki and leading energy-efficiency firm Granlund, the event brought together coders, energy experts and behaviour scientists for a one-of-a-kind hackathon. The diverse group of participants was divided into five teams (with one coder, behavioural scientist and…

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The ClimateLaunchpad jury has selected the 12 finalists to the world’s largest climate innovation competition from over 50 applicants. The 12 finalists will be pitching their concepts on a Boot Camp Final Show, May 7th 2:30-4:30 pm at Aalto Design Factory in Otaniemi.  Want to join? Sign up for the…

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APPLY NOW: Europe’s largest cleantech business idea competition open for submissions

Europe’s largest cleantech business idea competition, Climate LaunchPad 2015, kicks off its second edition! Students, start-ups and entrepreneurs are invited to submit their cleantech ideas. All entries are judged on their impact on climate change, their growth potential and on skills and enthusiasm. The most promising entries gain access to…

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Demos Helsinki discusses Finnish schools in the latest issue of Monocle

Juha Leppänen, head of democracy and capabilities research area at Demos Helsinki, sat down with Monocle’s Matt Alagiah to discuss Finnish education. Why are arts and skills classes mandatory in Finnish schools? Monocle investigates. You can read more about Monocle here and purchase the 2015 Hospitality Issue from this link.

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Get Naked with Nearables

Last summer, I started talking with an American professor while waiting for a non-existent ferry in Istanbul. I soon found out that he happened to be one of the few early developers of the original iPhone and had only recently left the company. We joked about Nokia, and later during…

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Kvalitid wins the Peloton Smart Retro pitch contest

The second Peloton Smart Retro Innovation Camp brought together 13 innovative startups from all over Europe in Stockholm. The participants designed tests with larger partner companies and the public sector. The camp concluded in a pitch show won by Kvalitid. Kvalitid is a service that provides apartment buildings with domestic help…

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