
What's new at Demos Helsinki?

It’s time to go beyond experimentation – Demos Helsinki in the OECD

Over the last years, it has become obvious that governments could benefit a lot more from experimentation. Experimentation helps co-designing solutions, policies, and services together with potential end users. It mitigates risks because it enables the fast process of turning ideas into practice. Without immediate ‘fear of implementation’, governments are…

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Demos Helsinki wants to accelerate the global change – we need you aboard

We live in strange times. By many standards, the world is a better place than ever before. We are wealthier than ever before and many of the UN millennium goals have been reached. Poverty rates have been halved and more girls are able to go to school. Solar energy has…

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What can workplaces learn from early childhood education about learning? 5 tips from Finnish kindergarten teacher

In the report about the future of work for the Finnish Prime Minister’s office, we noticed that the most essential skill in the work life of the future is learning. It might even go further – work will become learning.

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Uutuusteos tutkimuksella vaikuttamisesta ja tiedeviestinnästä

Tutkimuksesta toimintaan – tieteentekijän opas viestintään ja vaikuttamiseen kokoaa yhteen viestinnän ja vaikuttamisen parhaat työkalut tutkimushankkeiden eri vaiheisiin. Kirjan on kirjoittanut Demos Helsingin tutkimuksella vaikuttamisen asiantuntija Iina Koskinen yhteistyössä Maria Ruuskan (Kaskas Media) ja Tanja Sunin (Helsingin yliopiston yrityspalvelut). Tuoreen väitöstutkimuksen mukaan päätöksenteossa kuunnellaan herkällä korvalla taloudellista eliittiä ja etujärjestöt pääsevät…

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Introducing the new Executive Director of Demos Helsinki, Juha Leppänen

The Nordic think tank Demos Helsinki has chosen Juha Leppänen as its new Executive Director.   Leppänen began his career at Demos in 2011 and has a long career as a specialist in themes revolving around democracy and capabilities. Previously the CEO of Demos Helsinki’s subsidiary Demos Effect, Leppänen took…

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What If Mobility Became the Symbol of the Future Once Again?

One hundred years ago, Henry Ford introduced the Ford Model T to middle-class Americans. The car revolutionized the whole transportation industry and became the symbol of modernization, freedom and prosperity for the growing middle classes. Currently, there is an ongoing mobility transformation, but it lacks a promise and symbolism. Mobility…

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How to design an impactful research project?

From Failand to Winland is a transdisciplinary research project assessing future energy and food security in Finland with co-creation and future scenarios. In May 2017, Iina Koskinen, interaction specialist at Demos Helsinki, travelled to Tokyo, Japan, to present Winland to Future Earth, an international global change research initiative. Have a…

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Seminar series about immigration: From refugee camps towards active citizenship in Finland

Recent findings and policy considerations on immigration are hard currency at the moment. The seminar series launched by the Strategic Research Council (Academy of Finland) is a great opportunity to access such knowledge. The series follows the rocky road of asylum seekers from their countries of origin or from refugee…

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Savilahti citizen profiles 2030 and 2050

How will people live, work and spend daily life in Kuopio in 2030 or 2050? How does urbanisation, changing demographics, digitalisation and resource scarcity transform and impact our cities in the future? Savilahti citizen profiles 2030 & 2050 examines how future megatrends and phenomena influence local environment in Savilahti, Kuopio….

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Peloton Club

Peloton Club is an accelerator and an ecosystem dedicated to leverage the full scope of opportunities arising from the most burning challenge of human history: climate change and the depletion of natural resources. We help the most ambitious startup-teams to tap into these opportunities by providing them with the tools…

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Nordic Sustainable Cities

Nordic Sustainable Cities is a collaboration with Nordic Innovation. The programme consists of challenge competitions, defining and branding the nordic way of building cities and export efforts of highly advanced solutions for sustainable, liveable and smart cities. In this project create benchmark projects that alliances that base on unique features of the…

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Urban entrepreneurship is ultimately about creating happiness

Would you like to become an urban entrepreneur? Below you can find some features of successful ‘urbanpreneurs’ in a new generation smart city, as they have been coined by Boyd Cohen. According to Cohen, urbanpreneurs can prosper if they rethink the ultimate goal of their businesses. According to Boyd Cohen,…

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