Tekes Views: The future looks smart

March 2, 2016

Tekes Views published yesterday a 4-page article about Demos Helsinki’s work on resource smart economy. In the article, Maria Ritola explains how scarcity of resources will be a game changer of our future lifestyles. ”Change is already here”, Ritola outlines. ”If you look at headlines from Google, Uber, Facebook or…

Tekes Views published yesterday a 4-page article about Demos Helsinki’s work on resource smart economy. In the article, Maria Ritola explains how scarcity of resources will be a game changer of our future lifestyles. ”Change is already here”, Ritola outlines. ”If you look at headlines from Google, Uber, Facebook or Tesla, more and more of them are linked with how we leverage our natural resources in smarter ways.”

Read here the full article about the work Demos Helsinki has done with start-ups like There, Piggybaggy and Enevo to make a head-start when it comes to building smart businesses.



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