Talous ja demokratia – etääntyvä pari? DDI:n Tutkimus & kehitys- tapahtuma Demos Helsingin toimistolla 24.1.2025
Onko julkista taloutta koskeva päätöksenteko demokraattista? Kenen ääni kuuluu taloudesta käytävässä keskustelussa? Entä miten taloutta koskevan päätöksenteon demokraattisuutta voi edistää?
Read MoreCOP29: Climate Neutral Visions for 2050: Notions of the Good Life, New Economic Models and Welfare Beyond-GDP
While Nordic countries earn their reputation as top performers in societal welfare, they are operating far beyond the thresholds of ecological sustainability. This finding comes from our evaluation of Nordic welfare performance through the lens of three highly distinct alternative welfare metrics. However, no country on Earth has yet managed…
Read MoreVirtual Roundtable: The Future of Care
Our colleagues at Capita, a US-based think tank focusing on family policy, will host us and some other partners to explore the care transition on the 23rd of October. What is the care transition? Simply put, it’s the transition from a conception of care based on an industrial service-provision model,…
Read MoreRethinking Urban Sustainability: Beyond Economic Growth for Thriving Cities
It is time to challenge the conventional wisdom that growth is the primary path to prosperity. When rapid urbanisation and environmental degradation are creating more pressure on cities across the world, it is essential for municipalities to explore alternative models–ones that prioritise sustainability, social equity, and well-being over mere economic…
Read MoreFuture Ready Cities: Scaling Sustainable Urban Missions
Join us for “Future Ready Cities: Scaling Sustainable Urban Missions” at the 22nd European Week of Regions and Cities 2024, where we’ll dive into the transformative potential of urban missions inspired by the Mayors for Economic Growth (M4EG) initiative! With cities across Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Moldova pioneering mission-driven approaches…
Read MoreHow do algorithms and AI reshape workplaces and the world?
As digital technologies transform workplaces worldwide, from gig work and remote work to surveillance and algorithmic management, this event will explore how algorithms and AI are reshaping work environments, with a special focus on Finland. The event will present findings from the Finnish survey “Computer in Command,” authored by Jere…
Read MoreAI Ethics: Join us for an open guest lecture by Prof. Brent Mittelstadt
Recent interest in the ethics of artificial intelligence has resulted in a rapid proliferation of guidelines, principles and a broad variety of policies intended to make the development, usage, and governance of AI better aligned with ethical principles. But what do abstract concepts like transparency, fairness and accountability actually mean in practice, beyond their oversimplification when operationalized?
Read MoreTAPAHTUMA 7.11. / Kaupunkien kyvykkyydet sosiaalisissa innovaatioissa: mahdollistaja, välittäjä ja suunnannäyttäjä
Sosiaalisten innovaatioiden päivä 7.11. / Kaupunkien kyvykkyydet sosiaalisissa innovaatioissa: mahdollistaja, välittäjä ja suunnannäyttäjä -sateelliittitilaisuus Sosiaalisten innovaatioiden päivänä 7.11.2023 järjestettävä Kaupunkien kyvykkyydet sosiaalisissa innovaatioissa – mahdollistaja, välittäjä ja suunnannäyttäjä -tilaisuus kutsuu yhteen sosiaalisista innovaatioista kaupunkien ja kuntien näkökulmasta kiinnostuneet. Tilaisuus järjestetään päiväohjelman jälkeen klo 17 alkaen Demos Helsingin tiloissa osoitteessa Mechelininkatu…
Read MoreDemos Helsingin vaalipaneeli: Mille perustalle talouspolitiikkamme rakentuu tulevalla vuosikymmenellä?
Demos Helsingin vaalipaneeli: Mille perustalle talouspolitiikkamme rakentuu tulevalla vuosikymmenellä? Tapahtuman nauhoitus täällä. Kiihtyvä ympäristö- ja ilmastokriisi, uudet digitaaliset teknologiat sekä uusi turvallisuuspoliittinen todellisuus pakottavat myös Suomen talouspolitiikkaa muuttumaan. Demos Helsingin vaalipaneelissa torstaina 2.3 keskeisenä kysymyksenä oli, millaiselle perustalle Suomen talouspolitiikan tulisi 2020-luvulla rakentua. Paneelissa keskityttiin 2020-luvun talouspolitiikan perustavanlaatuisin taustaoletuksiin. Iso…
Read MoreFinnish economic policy in the 2020s and beyond: A pre-election debate
On March 2, 2023, we hosted an election debate at our office in Helsinki and online. This page hosts a recap in Finnish and English as well as a recording of the event. The event welcomed political representatives from six parties across the political spectrum in Finland. The coming…
Read MoreFinnish economic policy in the 2020s and beyond: A pre-election debate
On March 2, 2023, we hosted an election debate at our office in Helsinki and online. This page hosts a recap in Finnish and English as well as a recording of the event. The event welcomed political representatives from six parties across the political spectrum in Finland. The coming…
Read MoreWebinars for the curious – Demos Helsinki open events in June
This June, we are co-hosting several open events together with our international partners, topics varying from governance innovation to smart cities and consumer cleantech. All webinars are free. You’ll find registration links and more info below. Join us to imagine a better future!
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