Learning about the Future through Scenarios

What use are scenarios? The word scenario is derived from drama, meaning a sketch of the plot of a play. In foresight, a scenario is a story with plausible cause and effect links that connect a future condition with the present, while illustrating key decisions, events and consequences throughout the…

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How to reveal alternative futures for nations?

For the past two months, Demos Helsinki has worked in collaboration with Tanzania Commission of Science and Technology and National Planning Commission on how to create capabilities and use foresight and co-creation by conducting research project with a headline “the Future of Forests as a Resource for Tanzania”. The research…

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Can strong foresight orientation make a nation successful?

Foresight on different terrains Foresight understanding is critical to any company these days – wicked problems, disruption caused by ICT and a globalizing economy all mean that businesses must be able to understand the future. But what about entire countries? Could strong foresight orientation be a critical factor in making…

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“Within one hour, we’d had a business idea and we started to develop it further.”

We interviewed three participants about their experience at the first Peloton Smart Retro Innovation Camp in Lahti. What were your expectations for the camp? “An international crowd interested in developing cities.” Ulla-Maija Kemppi, Citycon “New contacts. Expertise that we lack ourselves. Technical know-how.” Topi Saari, Meido “That it would open up…

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