Posts by demoshelsinki
This is the suburb of the future
One exceptional neighbourhood in Stockholm is taking the lead in smart urban development “Bagarmossen is Stockholm’s friendliest neighbourhood,” says Tobias Lind with a smile on his face. Lind knows the city inside out: he has 10 years’ experience in developing suburban areas in Stockholm and now works for Stockholmshem, Sweden’s…
Read MoreWhy involve users in IoT?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is shimmering now, but if its users – the people – are forgotten during the development, it will fail. When we are talking about the IoT, where different devices and spaces communicate by themselves, it’s easy to forget the people around them. However, there’s no…
Read MoreSharing care: 3 advantages and 1 disadvantage of sharing services in the healthcare sector
The collaborative and sharing economy seems to have established itself as a growing market model, especially in consumer markets. Demos Helsinki created two different scenarios for the hyperconnected Nordic societies of 2015 to 2040. In these scenarios, seven long-term changes were identified, one of which depicts the shift from owning things…
Read MoreTekes Views: The future looks smart
Tekes Views published yesterday a 4-page article about Demos Helsinki’s work on resource smart economy. In the article, Maria Ritola explains how scarcity of resources will be a game changer of our future lifestyles. ”Change is already here”, Ritola outlines. ”If you look at headlines from Google, Uber, Facebook or…
Read MoreRadical Futures: Energy Does not Matter in the Post-Energy Society
The core vision in the scenario publication “The Future as Told Through the Garden and the Streets” is that technologies for the hyperconnected planet enable a decoupling between increasing well-being and the consumption of natural resources. The basic requirement for that to happen is that the IoT and industrial internet…
Read MoreUutta ratkaisua vanhustenhoitoon testataan kolmessa pohjoismaisessa pääkaupungissa
Väestön ikääntyminen on kova testi ihmislähtöiselle hyvinvointijärjestelmälle. Suomessa ja pohjoismaissa on vallinnut kantava ajatus siitä, että ihmisten omaehtoista osaamista ja pärjäämistä kannattaa tukea. Nyt seuraavien kahden vuosikymmenen aikana yli 75-vuotiaiden määrän ennustetaan Suomessa kaksinkertaistuvan, mikä tekee Suomen väestöstä Euroopan vanhimman. Murrokseen sopeutumista hankaloittavat esimerkiksi julkistalouden ongelmat, talouskasvun heikkous ja palvelutarpeiden kasvu.…
Read MoreDigital disruption – a new opportunity for old neighbourhoods
The emergence of the digital economy and the need to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions are changing the way we live and work, faster than ever before. These megatrends have given rise to numerous smart city initiatives that aim to lead cities into a carbon neutral future with the smart use of digital technology. But…
Read MoreHow Nokia backcasted its way out of a dead end – and why your company should do the same
Imagine being CEO Rajeev Suri, leading what was once known as the world’s largest mobile phone brand and one of the most valuable companies on the global market: Nokia. Image: Nokia press office Your firm is now heading to oblivion after selling its mobile phones to Microsoft. The economy of Finland is…
Read MoreLearning about the Future through Scenarios
What use are scenarios? The word scenario is derived from drama, meaning a sketch of the plot of a play. In foresight, a scenario is a story with plausible cause and effect links that connect a future condition with the present, while illustrating key decisions, events and consequences throughout the…
Read MoreNähdäänkö Suomessa pian joukko kokeilevia kuntia?
Keväällä 2011 muutama eläkeläisjärjestö ja joukko kouluikäisten vanhempia havahtuivat haasteeseen, johon tuntui olevan ratkaisu lähellä: nuorimmille kouluikäisille ei ollut riittävästi koulun jälkeisiä aktiviteetteja. Perustettiin Elämänkaari-kahvila, jossa seniori-ikäiset järjestävät vapaaehtoisesti oppilaille välipalaa ja ohjattua toimintaa. Oppilaat taas opettivat senioreille esimerkiksi sähköisessä asioinnissa tarvittavia taitoja. Notkean toteutuksen takana oli Hämeenlinnan kaupungin ja…
Read MoreSpeculating radical futures: a Post-voting society?
Imagine that government tracks your every move. Frankly, they can already do that, so this should not be an immense stretch of imagination. Then imagine that the establishment does the same for everyone you know. Does this wield an absolute power of those in control over the typical citizens? Not…
Read MoreSign up for the Nordic Internet of Things Newsletter by Demos Helsinki
In what ways does sensor abundance change work and organizations? What are the new opportunities in the hyperconnected business? How does the disruptive innovation theory fit to the development of the hyperconnected society? What are the new ways of value creation in the Internet of Things? How does Internet of…
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