Nordic Built Cities

October 22, 2017

In collaboration with Nordic Innovation, Demos Helsinki planned and executed Nordic Built Cities -event series. It brought together stakeholders from all Nordic countries to collaborate in making our cities more sustainable and livable. The events served as a support for Nordic Innovation not only to get right stakeholder coalition to…

In collaboration with Nordic Innovation, Demos Helsinki planned and executed Nordic Built Cities -event series. It brought together stakeholders from all Nordic countries to collaborate in making our cities more sustainable and livable. The events served as a support for Nordic Innovation not only to get right stakeholder coalition to work on the topic, but also to communicate and get publicity for advertising Nordic solutions between Nordic countries and globally.

Demos facilitated workshops in four Nordic capitals to create a strong coalition for creating innovative solutions to challenges cities phase, giving stakeholders tools to emphasise the Nordic brand in their solutions and identify new opportunities for Nordic companies and experts to work beyond the Nordics.

Nordic Built Cities was a four year (2014-2017) project by Nordic Innovation, which created sustainable, multidisciplinary and creative solutions to the challenges our cities face. The roadshow was labelled Nordic Sustainable Cities as it served also as a launch tour for the next three-year project by Nordic Innovation.

Results: Nordic roadshow workshop throughout the Nordic countries, stakeholder coalition facilitation

Read more: White Paper on Nordic Sustainable Cities
